EPISODE SIXTEEN: Pure Perception and the Destroyer of Demons

In my view, my grandfather Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche was more of a beautiful man than a handsome one. Until the end of his life he remained one of the most elegant and well-groomed people I have seen. So much care was given to tying his hair back. His shirts were pressed. The color combinations of his outfits were impeccable. I’ve heard many accounts of his charms being quite attractive to women. His rooms were immaculately clean. He had asthma and, while I may be biased, I must say that even his wheezing had an elegance to it. The way he held a page, the way he rotated a vajra, the way he beat a damaru was mesmerizing.

His defining ornament was the pair of tinted eyeglasses made of crystal that he always wore. I heard him telling people, including myself, that they should wear crystal glasses. That it was really good. In fact, Trulshik Rinpoche followed his advice and I remember him wearing crystal spectacles for his whole life. Dudjom Rinpoche had his specially cut in Hong Kong and recommended that other lamas do so as well. So not long ago when I went to Hong Kong I asked the same people to make some for me. But crystal glasses are so heavy and I just didn’t have the discipline to wear them.

I have never been a car person but, having said that, when I see a Land Rover Defender I become so nostalgic for a time when I was about six, traveling from India to Bhutan with Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche. Seeing one always stirs up strong memories and in my mind’s nose there is even a unique smell. Apparently, the queen of England also has a fondness for them. Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche made this journey at the invitation of my other grandfather, Lama Sonam Zangpo, and all in all it took several months. Mostly we travelled on foot, sometimes we travelled by palanquins, Dudjom Rinpoche supported by at least four people and me carried by two. And we went several lengths of the journey in a Land Rover Defender, in which I would be seated between Dudjom Rinpoche and the driver the whole way. It was a very memorable time because it was the only opportunity I had in my life to be close to my grandfather. I sometimes even dozed off with my head on his shoulder or lap.

It seemed everywhere we travelled in Bhutan, there were people lined up along the road for days just to get a glimpse of him passing through. Many still think he was Guru Padmasambhava in the flesh. Some stood with their dying family members on their backs. We stopped again and again for tea and snacks prepared by the locals. Villagers would wait in the wings and as soon as he departed, they would grab anything he left behind—tea or water, bits of food—and they would divide it up and savor it sometimes for years afterwards. The leftover tea would be put into a casket and used to make precious pills or put into butter for ointments for joint aches. Some of the leftover food would be dried with herbs and, when absolutely necessary, they would burn it to create smoke to ward off spirits and demons.

While Dudjom Rinpoche was my grandfather and I always had love, respect, and admiration for him, I never related to him as a grandpa that you visit at Thanksgiving or Christmas time. I was in awe of him. I read his writings, commentaries, songs, poetry, and instructions endlessly and wholeheartedly. But looking back, I realize there were some moments of familiarity. For example, whenever Dudjom Rinpoche was alone with me, he would speak in Pemako dialect, not straight Tibetan. I realize that was his way of expressing grand-fatherliness. Also when I was born, long before His Holiness Sakya Trizen recognized me as a tulku, Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche named me Khyentse Norbu. Some have speculated that this is a clue that he also may have recognized me as a Khyentse incarnation. He was going through a period of naming everyone Norbu. He named my father Thinley Norbu, and one uncle Phende Norbu and another uncle Shenphen Norbu.

My mother was married to Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche’s son but I can vouch that never once did the thought cross her mind that he was her father-in-law. It was not in her vocabulary. She saw Dudjom Rinpoche as someone beyond the mundane world, someone she praised and visualized on top of her head and in her heart. No doubt Dudjom Rinpoche was the last thing on her mind when she was dying.

My mother and father

It was Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche who really nurtured and took care of me constantly, probably more than any of my family members. I could go to him any time, 24 hours a day. Meanwhile, despite being Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche’s grandson I was not given easy access to him. In fact, getting an audience with him was made rather difficult for me and a lot of people. One time I was left really broken hearted and upset because I wasn’t given an audience. Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche advised me that since I had received so many tantric teachings and abishekas from Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, I should never perceive him as an ordinary being, but rather as an enlightened being or Padmasambhava. And that therefore my step-grandmother who was the consort of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche should also be looked at with pure perception. Such profound instructions not only saved me from having even a little bit of a wrong view of Dudjom Rinpoche, but as the years go by, I see and appreciate and discover Dudjom Rinpoche’s depth and breadth more and more.

Aside from being revered as an accomplished master Dudjom Rinpoche was thought to be the descendent of one of three princes who were banished from Central Tibet. The legend is that a long time ago, the Tibetan kings would supposedly be pulled up to heaven by a rope. But there was once a king who had a dispute with one of his ministers and the minister cut the rope so that the king could not ascend. Instead, that king was killed and his three sons were exiled. Dudjom Rinpoche is said to be a descendent of one of these exiled sons.

Like the Khyentses, it’s important that people know that there was no high-ranking Dudjom lineage, political or secular. So if there is any Khyentse or Dudjom incarnation now or in the future claiming to be highly-ranked, they are lying. In fact in Tibetan society, where ordained monks were esteemed, there were a lot of stories of how Dudjom Rinpoche was dismissed as a micha, which means an ordinary layperson. Nevertheless, his scholarly knowledge was so outstanding that he was recruited to put together Tibetan school textbooks. In the credits there is never a mention of him being “kyabje” or even a rinpoche. He was simply referred to as Pekö Dudjom Tulku. Pekö was short for Pemakö.

He was dismissed by certain parts of society also partly because he was always a free thinker, if not a radical. It’s said that, in the 1950s, when he was conferring abishekas in Samye Monastery in Lhasa to some of the most important Nyingma masters, he would travel to and fro on a bicycle. In those days, in the eyes of a Tibetan, a lama riding a bicycle, especially one giving teachings to really important lamas, was like Pope John Paul playing roulette in a casino. But I am quite certain dismissed is exactly how he wanted to be treated: low-profile, free from titles and all the baggage that comes from a high standing position.

Never once did he raise his voice, let alone scold me. On a few occasions he would make comments about how I should dress properly because I was known to be sloppy. The closest he ever got to scolding me was when I was receiving teachings from him and somehow I raised my hands above Trulshik Rinpoche. Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche said to be respectful, but in a very, very gentle manner. This gentleness was so majestic that it has stayed with me all these years.

There were a lot of disgruntled people who blamed my step-grandmother for being overprotective of him, she really controlled his appointments. I have heard that when he separated from my grandmother and decided to be with my step-grandmother, some people were unhappy, especially my father. Because of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche’s kind words, I also tried hard to also have pure perception of my step-grandmother. Looking back, I think the boundary she kept was a good thing. He needed that space because there were so many people who were constantly vying for his attention. My step-grandmother took very good care of my grandfather, especially in his final days.

I didn’t have a close relationship with her until many years after Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche died in France. A few years before she herself died, she came to Bhutan and I took the opportunity to invite her to my Paro house, and she graciously accepted. During that lunch, she gave me her dark sunglasses, fitting for a very stylish older lady.

I hope I am savvy and have the wit to use the sight of an old Defender or crystal spectacles or ladies’ sunglasses to be a vehicle to remember the guru and therefore the dharma and therefore my own mind.



  1. micha

    Great, Rinpoche
    thank you again ***

    • Thrinlay Chodon

      This story is so touching and your heartfelt transformative view of your step grandmother makes you a true grandson of this great luminary Master of our time and an impeccable student of Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse. I bow to you.

  2. dobedo

    Even more great by changed and added ….
    please stay till all is emptied

  3. Nidup Dorji

    I am simply obsessed with the life record of this incredible monk. Thank you mugwortborn.epengine.com for keeping the record and *Rimpoche* for sharing your lived experiences and your journey. Rimpoche truly is an embodiment of all the Buddhas and thank you for taking birth in our times _*(***)*_

    • Katyayani

      Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche is not a monk

      • Gabby Dzonsar

        Her is MORE>>>.

        • ; ))

          every little thing she does is magic ….

          The Police

  4. Sukha

    Sad, so sad

  5. maria teresa jiron

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing your lilas. Very happy for having your precious presence among us. Long live to you Rinpoche la!

  6. Ormando

    om mani padme hung
    Thank you from Brasil ^.^

  7. Ricarda Solms

    Reading this episode I can hear Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche’s voice like a soft well, so precious your words on the majesty of his gentleness, thank you for the blessings and the tears.

  8. Jonathan Hansson

    Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing

  9. Sherab

    /\ /\ /\ First thing I read as soon as I woke up today. Thank you la Rimpoche !

    • Miha

      I can’t even imagine how it must be to have Padmasambhava as a grandfather, but the first time I heard Dudjom Rinpoche really blew my mind-literally. Listening to the recording of his advice on mediation, I thought they were the most brilliant instructions I’d ever heard, and my mind just naturally settled into blissful shamatha without thoughts. I just “got it.” It had never been so easy for me during the thousands of hours of mediation I’d practiced under the guidance of many great teachers. I think it was the power of blessings of someone who must be no different than Guru Rinpoche. Now I devour his readings. Every single sentence had the power to dispel confusion and expand wisdom, it’s incredible. His mind is so vast and free, and his realization never ceased to exist. We must be infinitely greateful for his determination in realizing his grand aspirations in such such crucial times.

  10. Lodro Tashi

    Wonderful stories, immense gratitude for creating this platform for sharing your stories and connection to these incredible beings for the benefit of others.

  11. Ebon Loh

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing so much of your life’s unique rich experiences. It is such a blessing to read it. Love every bit of it. 🙏🙏🙏:)

  12. Lingchen

    Thank you Rinpoche 🙏🙏🙏

  13. Rinchen Dema

    Thank you another heartwarming episode Rinpoche. Always grateful to you ❤️

  14. ulala

    Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche has said in a private teaching that his first grandmother actually dumped Dujom Rinpoche and run away with their son-in-law. Therefore there is a “motherfucker” in their family. Too bad he didn’t talk about this funny scandal here.

    • katrina

      So you did -.
      Disregarding the illusary privatness,
      thank you for spreading this juici joke.
      With one foot in relativness, what else should come out of it, when the karmic wind blows ?

      • Chokyi Nima

        Rinpoche. With due respect I would like to point out that meaning of “Dudjom Rinpoche was the last thing on her mind when she was dying” could be construed to mean the opposite of what your holiness’s intent.

  15. David

    So Heart and Mind-Opening 🙏 🙏 🙏

  16. egidio

    Thank You!

  17. Megan Bruder

    Thankyou So much Rinpoché for showing how devotion can manifest ,as views evolve , and time goes on the whole picture can shift,beautiful threads can be revealed.

  18. Robert Zimmerman

    Reading these 16 episodes evokes the preciousness of “sublime being”. Sadly some never get to see teachers in that way. After repeated glimpses, like them, I daily “fall asleep” into various delusions. The first teacher who magically lit “my” fire of interest in the dharma was HH Sakya Trizin. Like “Mugwort-born” Khyentse Rinpoché, he continually emanates infinite wisdom, which it is hard to ignore. Many other great un-describable teachers came across my path after him. The 16th Karmapa (refuge-giver) and 11th Trungpa (root guru). In NYC at a one dharma event, Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoché was having alot of trouble breathing, while attended by a large crowd. He said, “Now stop your mind” to us. Instead of following his instructions, I almost immediately fell asleep. By contrast reading these is like a Prahevajra espresso break! For jolting us to pure perception; endless thanks.

  19. Helga Fiederer

    Thank you Rinpoche, I love every episode and for some reason they all make me cry.

  20. dorothea meixner-hilsbecher

    Thank you so much Rinpoche for sharing about your life! This brought Dudjom Rinpoche even closer to my heart.

  21. Simha ha

    Beautiful men… there is nothing like that balance of masculine and feminine in a person. Same with handsome women. Having access to Dilgo Khyentse 24/7, one solution for world peace ✌️ thanks for sharing.

  22. Jimba

    Thank You Rinpoche, Early waiting for next episode

  23. Sitaram

    Always in my heart – genderfree.
    Thank you for blowing the fire
    sparks arriving – fading,

    Love & gratitude

  24. e-victim

    So beautyfull -.
    Amazing how collectiv imagination
    about meeting Buddha
    could be.

    Dust and gold
    May all be liberated

  25. Shengzhi

    Remember the guru and therefore the dharma and therefore my own mind

  26. Clara Sales de Moraes

    Grateful Rinpoche for sharing yours stories, they inspire and teach us.
    It would be great to read something to us young people who are stil trying to find our way.
    In these twenty-something, after you throw everything in the air to find yourself, inside in the cocoon, goes through the depression of self-discovery, the seclusion, the pain of metamorphosis, the fears, understand yourself so selfish, lose confidence in yoursel, crazing… look at the world, for beings, feel your pain and cry with them.
    And not being able (or notwanting) to renounce ordinary life and just follow the spiritual path (monasticly speaking) – because you knowm that your professional action can help many people, becomes mediocre on the spiritual and professional path.
    If you could write about this within your stories, what would you say to us young people that we need to rescue the lightness in the chest and the courage to launch into the world, make the heart smile even seeing so many sufferings, how to follow the true path, the awakening, even having to pay the bills.

    All the best to you and big hug to Brasil!

    Even if these comments do not come to you, i leave a gift here:


  27. mila

    Come, inspire me with your blessing.


  28. wasabi

    By your blessing
    may i conquer
    the hordes of mara

    and may all beings
    tortured by fire and heat
    be swiftly
    abiding cool and peacefull

    may your journey be protected

  29. floating

    Thank you !

  30. A wanderer on the path

    16 journeys into your life, my peerless guru. I cannot express my gratitude: first, you took me out of the samsaric movie with a whisper; second, you taught me Buddhadharma with infinite patience, skills and compassion; third, you gave me the gift of faith; and last but not least, you saved my current life in samsara so that I still can utter with devotion the name of the Buddha. And, as the gift of all gifts, you handed me the certainty that, when I will leave this body, I will pronounce your name, deeply sure to find you again in all my future lives, until I’m freed by this hallucination, along with all sentient beings, everywhere and in every time. You are a bodhisattva, and I will follow you for countless eons, no matter what. I bow.

  31. Y. T.

    How madly in love ones we are ……

  32. Jinpa

    Amazing how open space expresses itself. May we all wake up to our natural elegance. Thank you Dzongsar, Khyentse, born in a hidden world, from the jewel family, nicknamed leppo, another Chokyi Lodro, here again, mingling with the barbarians with enormous intellects, and of course, enormous potential. May you live long 💫

  33. younity

    …so very young in Sidney !
    Gratefull for hability to participate !
    Looking happily forward

  34. yt

    .. and turning night into day practise too 😉

  35. worduser

    Been reset to
    beginners mind.


  36. Kinley

    Though Chabjey Dudjom Rimpochey has passed away when i was not even ten years old. But i have a deep faith in him and i listened many times to his Meditation Teachings in You Tube given at Richmomnd, 1979. Rimpochey’s face and esp. eyes looks so compassionate and vivid. I meditate using Rimpochey’s photo. I also do Dudjom Terser Nyondro and at the present l am doing Mandala.

    I am not blessed to see Rimpochey in person but we are blessed to hear his teachings.

    A lady from Bhutan

  37. Kinley

    Though Chabjey Dudjom Rimpochey has passed away when i was not even ten years old. But i have a deep faith in him and i listened many times to his Meditation Teachings in You Tube given at Richmomnd, 1979. Rimpochey’s face and esp. eyes looks so compassionate and vivid. I meditate using Rimpochey’s photo. I also do Dudjom Terser Nyondro and at the present l am doing Mandala.

    I am not blessed to see Rimpochey in person but we are blessed to hear his teachings.

    A lady from Bhutan

  38. YT

    When it comes to
    the magic-chapter
    you where talking about
    will remember
    the mexican candel
    … and the 72 words
    for love

  39. ))) o (((

    Less of knowledge
    but heart and head full
    of the one

    passing clouds

    all shoulds
    and should`nts
    flew away

  40. a.dot

    The beauty of
    todays moon
    the fragrance of
    the seeds unfolding

  41. lense

    Wow, dear photographer !
    Touched by impress due to such express and perspective.
    All this illusory display, my dear.

  42. monni mooni

    How lucky this moonlight
    falling on it
    – can´t help, sorry ***

  43. eyemusic

    To conclude –
    Youtube, Full Moon Silhouettes, Mount Victoria, Wellington
    by Mark Gee

    Downbow <3

  44. luna

    appearently come to zero
    appearently fullfilled
    being brilliant always
    look at you
    being you

  45. vivian

    Deep Gratitude. Precious One. _(())_

  46. crosschannel

    Wise princess on track !

  47. Pema Khandro

    Thank you Rinpoche La, for the inspiration, every word in the story is an as precious gem. I am even more longing to be in the presence of such sublime masters. May my karma allows me to be in the constant presence of pure beings. May I become one, My deepest Gratitude.

  48. con.fident

    sung chik yenlak gyatsö drake´ kyi
    gyalwa kün yang yenlak namdakpa
    drowa kün gyi sampa jishin yang
    sangye sung la taktu jukpar gyi


  49. shapeless

    all goods
    on this auspicious day

  50. youthfull

    smart vision 😉

  51. mex. beer

    Trees, mountains
    clouds passing
    may we always hear
    the melodious sound
    of dharma

  52. to lama Chirper

    If imitation of namthars brings liberation, then surely you will, shall, or have already done so 🙂

  53. d.day

    see you in the sunrise
    feel you by the breeze
    hear you by the rushing water
    smelling everywhere
    sensing all over
    knowing in the heart

  54. dinner for one

    funny side up !
    may all beings be happy and well

  55. )))) O ((((

    Having offered the eagles flight
    old song came in
    may some ears will enjoy
    FLY LIKE AN EAGLE by Steve Miller Band

    being confidently at home

  56. sister moon

    Another moon tomorrow and another song
    Moon over Bourbon street by Sting
    may jazzy ears enjoy

  57. prayer

    Blessed this very moment
    may all be liberated
    thank you, Rinpoche
    may your gentle voice
    lead us along

  58. b.gaya

    Rejoicing the light
    now and soon

  59. brother sun

    Finally found it…

    Heart of Gold – Neil Young


    • just a dreamer

      brother, when hearing this guy
      singing about brown eyes
      and been bloon away
      some peoples flesh begin to creep

      remastered version of Like a Hurrican

      • dream

        Sister, I guess people sing all kinds of things
        When they see a little calm in the eye!

        • harmony, 3. part of music.

          some are dancing simultaniously
          may we enjoy
          for the sake of all beings

  60. Tenzin Metog

    Thanks so much, Rinpoche.
    You delight us and make us meditate about our own debts of gratitude about our parents, family, friends. We owe so much to all sentient beings.

  61. dance

    Brother, feels like dancing with myself (Billy Idol) 😉

  62. TY

    So grateful for your presence, writings, honesty, vulnerability, brilliance, humor. It takes so long to catch up with your constant offerings. You are Rime beyond Rime. Dedicating the merit to all beings. Your life has been guiding us all into the moonlight of Shakyamuni.

  63. _()_

    Dear Rinpoche, thank you for yesterdays words;
    definitly virus cause planing the rest of my life – and for sure many others – differently. Patience to see, how it will be happen !

    Confidently and with gratitude

  64. Bow/curtsy

    Come lalita, Let’s Twist Again 😁

  65. one of 21 %

    Newmoon aspiration

    Bowing down
    to the miracle
    and let it be

  66. Moved

    Roarrr, lets go on with “Friday I´m in love” (Cure).

    Stay well, dear !

  67. abiding

    more friday impossible, sorry cant help

    long live, dear Rinpoche

  68. come what may

    Carry on with Ben E. Kings
    old and good
    Stand by me …

  69. sesame seed

    Waltz no.2
    Homage to the glorious dancing queen 🙏🏼

    • literally

      Can`t honour enough but inviting into a bigger ballroom …
      thank you


      • high-larious

        Thank you!

        Please lead on…

        Long live the priceless treasure <3

  70. ; )

    It takes two to tango ? Obviously not!
    Tekla Gogrichiani -Tango Womens Technique-
    El Hurocan Solo Tango Orquestra

  71. grain of ganges

    Schubert Serenade in respose ; )

    enjoy moonlight

  72. true color

    Thank you for carry on undoing the continious knots ….
    while some people lacking sleep during such night
    you come along with a new chapter – wonderfull !

    Dear Rinpoche, sending gratitude and long life prayers <3

  73. wholehearted

    … try my best without effort …

    what a task ; )

  74. Gloria

    Dancing eyes on palm, beautyfull
    far from interpretation
    going to tango
    Gotan Project ,La Gloria

  75. melody & rhythm

    this one

    You ain´t see nothing yet ; Bachmann, Turner, Overdrive

    lifting 70th spirit

  76. aspiring

    Dancing in the Dark (Bruce)
    Thanks for patience ; )

    …Bristlecone Pine (Rumer)
    Leaves waving to beautiful melody

  77. fellow

    to all your activities
    involving us
    to open up


  78. spark

    : ))

    Cesaria Evora , Besame mucho , p.e. but others also great

    velvet voice

  79. allegria

    Sagrado Femenino
    Loli Cosmica

  80. observer

    wind come to blow away
    to gaze the moon eye

  81. private fool moon

    standing by –

    full of joy
    for the beautiful Brothers in arms
    who are dancing through endless fields
    bringing back to life
    the lost souls

    • poem of sound

      Bird´s Teardrops

      Peia Luzzi & Estas Tonne

      …. wow ….

      • Gratitude

        For causing the silent bird to chirp
        ….Astonishing feat

    • empty house

      sorry, – done ; ))

  82. blaze

    Sparked mucho : )

    Thank you sweetheart


    • bright bright bright moon

      risk a sweet eye
      have a heart blink

      v. vrs.

  83. ; )

    blazing the knees
    to shake


  84. fool

    The Rt hon Patrick Swayze

    She’s like the wind


  85. breeze

    be blessed the wind

    bringing strings and voices

    into vibration

    be blessed the wind

    taking prayers

    into all directions

    be blessed who pass without clinging

    like the wind blessed wind

    • lucky one

      To be embraced by such breeze–
      What a tendrel!
      Every day is a new day
      Every morning a fresh morning
      May all know the bliss of being held by you–
      inconceivable delight!

      • longest night/ one bulb

        so beautyfull said

        melted away …

        for the benefit of all beings


        • rehabilitating bank robber

          forever grateful
          wishing all splendour and joy
          always be yours
          o supremely nimble one
          : )

          • as long as

            universe is singing


          • always

            this fresh morning
            with seaside skygaze
            innocent sound
            light breeze

  86. Ali Terry

    Ah! So concise …and we understand your mellow nature a bit more! Thank you

  87. sound offering

    Manha de Carnaval

    Eliszeth Cardoso

  88. bow

    what a link – amazing!

    ah the fleeting beauty

    Perfect Day

    Lou Reed


  89. swing

    swing time

    Rogers and Astair

  90. newmoon song


    Jesse Cook

    may be next live as musician – the goddess will know how to serve best


  91. blood sweat and tears

    Shakira * Waka Waka * This Time For Africa

    ; )

  92. moonshadow

    …. Ah


    and in awe


  93. aspiring

    Oh silent bird

    move on in stillness

    even the branches

    echo in


  94. )))))

    morning of my life

    esther & abi ofarim


  95. Adriana Leopoldino

    grata por compartilhar

  96. no name

    just wanted to express the infinite gratitude overwelming from the heart
    but words can not show…
    so i will just continue practising… it will do the job

    (no need to publish, just this seeming endless grasping urged and made this sentence to be sent like this, even there is no need)

  97. abundance

    and when
    your traceless flight
    will cross
    the altar of offerings
    may the love be
    in all kinds of ways
    in your
    loving eye

  98. 💐

    melting snow blessings
    in all directions
    and beyond,
    infinite rain of flowers,
    may it reach every heart


    hidden whisper that opens
    the door to the shining sun

  99. calling... 🙏🏻




  100. no name

    Destroyer of demons
    we all call you
    come back
    heart in hands we pray!

  101. Lanette

    The world does not need more cynicism. But those that can to look upon her with the eyes of a child; through ‘Awe’ and ‘Wonder’. Whether it is rose colored glasses or crystal.

  102. 🪩

    Bodhisattva club sandwitch
    How many more demon
    Drops to go
    Before to see…

  103. Anna

    reading the lines
    some envy flares up
    envy I read in some other readers’ posts too
    emotion comes, emotion goes.
    I have some of Kyabje Didjom Rinpoche’s DNA in a capsule around my neck
    so I am told
    Ma Kye Mi Gag Namkhai Ngowo Nyid


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