EPISODE FOURTEEN: Tashi Namgyal’s Rime Loyalty

It was the early 1960s and throughout the Himalayas it seemed like everything was falling apart. Monasteries had been destroyed. Great masters had been killed. Families were displaced. Then Tsewang Paljor left his post as chagzรถd of Khyentse Labrang and many people probably thought the fate and good fortune of the Khyentse lineage had ended.

Someone had to step into his shoes. The only eligible person, it seems, was Tashi Namgyal of the Drumo family. The Drumo family was an aristocratic family of the Derge kingdom. When Tashi Namgyal was born, a soothsayer said that this boy would not live long so his family offered him to become the attendant of Dzongsar Khyentse Chรถkyi Lodrรถ. Offering children to a great master for the wellbeing of the child was a common practice in Tibet.

Growing up, Tashi Namgyal wasn’t known as being learned. The only thing he ever really studied was blowing the gyaling (a Tibetan horn). Not only was he very good, he clearly enjoyed it and always cared for his horns meticulously. He was an excellent gyaling instructor as well, some of the tunes he taught are still being played today. And yet you couldn’t find someone as forgetful as him. He would often go to the market to buy something and come back empty handed. Or he would be searching everywhere for his robe only to realize he was already wearing it.

Tashi Namgyal was notoriously slow moving and longwinded. When we’d travel by train across India, there was always a tense moment when he would disembark at stops along the way to get a quick cup of tea or hot water. The train would always whistle three times before leaving the station again. I remember so many times hearing the third whistle and watching him jog after the moving train with his hot tea, leaping into the car at the last moment possible. Luckily these Indian trains moved slowly, and in the third class compartments where we sat had no doors barring him from jumping on.

Because he was an aristocrat, Tashi Namgyal had countless cousins, nephews and nieces. He loved them and in turn they adored him. He exuded โ€œkind uncleโ€ to these young people. He also loved watching local football matches in Gangtok. Rain or shine, he would go to the stadium with a wooden plank in his bag; since it wasn’t really a proper stadium, he needed the plank as a seat. Of course, I was never allowed to leave the grounds, let alone attend a football match with him.

Looking back at my childhood, there are a lot of things that I can be grateful for. Obviously I had so much merit to have met the path of Siddhartha, the dharma, and many incredible masters. But I now realize that it was also great merit when Chagdzรถd Tsewang Paljor quit and Tashi Namgyal became my chagdzรถd and subsequently my caretaker.

Usually when a lamaโ€™s incarnation is identified, the attendants are very narrow minded and shortsighted about how the boys are trained. Often the attendants and chagzรถds err on the side of sectarianism and only introduce one tradition. But in my case, the moment there was news of an initiation or teachingโ€”whether it was from Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche or 16th Karmapa or HH Sakya Trizin or many other mastersโ€”Chagdzรถd Tashi Namgyal would make sure I was there at all costs. Not only was this unconventional, it was very difficult for him to arrange because the labrang was penniless.

He sent me here and there despite a lot of opposition with all kinds of people criticizing him behind his back. Nyingmapas grumbled about him taking me to the Sakyapa and Kagyupa teachings. Sakyapas grumbled about him bringing me to the Kagyupas and Nyingmapas. His response to these grumblings was always a big smile. There was never a confrontation. But he was firm in knowing what he needed to do. He even turned down the great Nyingma master Chatrul Rinpoche when he offered to supervise my studies. While Tashi Namgyal encouraged me to receive teachings from Chatrul Rinpoche, he didn’t want to surrender me entirely to one tradition.

My grandfather Dudjom Rinpoche with Chatrul Rinpoche

In Tashi Namgyal’s mind I should be as nonsectarian as possible because I was supposedly the incarnation of Dzongsar Khyentse Chรถkyi Lรถdro who, among many other reasons, was revered for his unparalleled dedication to all the lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. Tashi Namgyal was committed to continuing this tradition by introducing me to all these great masters and their teachings and blessing.

When I was enrolled in Sakya College studying Buddhist philosophy, the college had a comprehensive curriculum that required strict attendance. But in the middle of the semester, Tashi Namgyal often took me out of school to attend teachings or initiations. This raised eyebrows. Then, in my last year at the college, Tashi Namgyal insisted I leave right before the end of the year, which meant I missed the examination and therefore I never graduated. I was annoyed by his decision at the time because it meant I would have no diploma. Tashi Namgyal’s response was that there is no more precious diploma than the title of Jamyang Khyentse.

Even though at that time it wasn’t pleasant to hear, it must have made an impression because years later, when I failed to finish my master’s degree at SOAS at the University of London, it didnโ€™t really bother me. This must be Tashi Namgyalโ€™s influence.

SOAS at the University of London

With this loyalty to the Rime traditionโ€”even though he wasnโ€™t a great scholarโ€”Tashi Namgyal eclipsed those so-called learned people who were actually quite narrow minded and sectarian. It was my merit to have my education guided by him. I cannot repay his kindness enough for this.

My father

If I mention my merit in this context, I also have to mention my family. My family was strongly Nyingmapa. My grandfather, Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, and father Dungse Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, both had influential positions within the Nyingmapa tradition. They could have easily influenced Khyentse Labrang and demanded that I not be taken to all these Kagyupa and Sakyapa teachings, but my family never interfered. Looking at some of the present incarnations with families and labrangs controlling their training and upbringing, I now appreciate my familyโ€™s generosity and trust.

Shamar Rinpoche

Tashi Namgyal, being a Khampa aristocrat, valued family honor. You could interpret this as loyalty or you could interpret it as nepotism. His sister gave birth to Shamar Rinpoche. Many years later, Shamar Rinpoche was involved in the dispute over the enthronement of the 17th Karmapa incarnation. Shamar Rinpoche endorsed one Karmapa, and Situ Rinpoche endorsed a different one. As an uncle, Tashi Namgyal was strongly on the side of Shamar Rinpoche. But to his credit, he never once, not for a minute, tried to influence me to side with him. On the contrary he reminded me that geographically Dzongsar Monastery was close to Palpung Monastery in Derge, and so too were the previous incarnations of Situ and Khyentse, and that this should be remembered.

Tai Situ Rinpoche with on of the 17th Karmapas

If I have any sort of appreciation and veneration for the different schoolsโ€”not only different schools of Tibetan Buddhismโ€”but other Buddhist traditions such as Zen and Theravada, I have to say that Tashi Namgyal played a role in that. Tashi Namgyal died in Bir 08/08/07, August 8, 2007. He will remembered by me as one of the most kind and soft human beings I have met.

Yangchen Shenyantsang with Tashi Namgyal in Sikkim

Tashi Namgyal in Bir, Himachal Pradesh.



Posted on

October 30, 2019


  1. Choney

    Rinpoche thank you so much for sharing la. It was so beautiful la.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’

    • Iria

      This is such a big inspiration for me. Thank you so much. _/\_

  2. Choney

    Rinpoche thank you so much for sharing la. It is so beautiful la. Anticipating for more la Rinpoche. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’

  3. Nidup Dorji

    We are fortunate ignorants that a non-sectarian Tulku like Rimpoche is born in our time. Amidst others busy selling sectarian philosophies, Rimpoche’s teachings simply reverberate what the son of Sakya taught a little over 2500 years ago. Kadrinchey la Rimpoche _((*))_

    • Kencho


  4. Luiz Gustavo


    • Sam Brooks

      Homage to Tashi Namgyal! sounds like we owe him a great deal. Thank you dear Rinpoche for the in-tell.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผโค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  5. Mark Fasi

    Thank you Rinpoche la. Whether your story is humorous or more serious, by the time I am reading the last line I find myself choked up.

  6. Rinzin Lhhamo

    One of the greatest reason why I personally love Rinpoches teachings is because of the rime outlook.May the Buddha dharma in all labels flourish for eons

  7. Michaela

    Gratefull for the love and wisdomheart
    of Tashi Namgyal and your family
    shining through your being,
    dearest one.
    Thank you for sharing, dear Rinpoche.

  8. David

    So very grateful for these priceless posts, Rinpoche. Very moving and unforgettable. Thank you for sharing with us all. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’

  9. Rinchen

    Thank you rinpoche, this is so precious โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  10. Kristen

    Your memoir evokes such beauty and majesty in the human experience of continuing trials, tribulations alongside unbridled joys and quiet happiness arising from clear discernment – thank you for sharing Rinpoche La! Anjali.

  11. Megan

    Wonderful ,
    I love Tashi Namgyal and his far sightedness.

  12. Anina

    ๐Ÿ’™ once more the overflow of heartwarming gentleness, thank you

  13. Pema Khandro

    Beautiful teaching. Thank You Rinpoche la, great skilful Master.

  14. Rahima

    The beauty of Tashi Namgyal made me weep. how I wish to develop such a broad view amidst all the opinions and constructs. How fortunate we are to even catch a glimpse of these masters that you have spent your life with Rinpoche. Thank you so much. Sarva Mangalam

  15. Dugald Sinclair

    How wonderful and yet sad…there is no mention of the Gelukpa Tradition of Lama Tsong Khapa

  16. Doris

    Always love reading your blogpost and this one is no exception. Thank you Rinpoche and wishing the very best for your long life, good health & incredible Dharma work. May the pure Buddhadharma flourish until samsara ends!

  17. Karma

    A caretaker was fully cognisant of who he kept watch over and for what whole purpose despite his limited education –
    What a role model he was la.

  18. eye o. th. b.

    How wonderfull
    love and freedom
    are looking
    from themself
    for themself

    May we be able to trust.
    Lagilo, Rinpoche

  19. Chumba Lama

    Lama Khey La Kheno ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
    The Lama who has Truly devoted to his Guru one of great Yogi I have seen this life during my time serving Lama in Sabterjung Hospital, and in Delhi .
    Even Dr from hospital are surprised to see Lama Tashi Namgyal who has truly Yogis Mind with no Pain ,,,,,
    My pray we need more Yogi like Lama Tashi Namgyal,
    Instead of fighting each and other.
    Last word from him to me was , Son this is between you and my Karma whenever I am in Hospital you are always their with me .
    So I am very lucky serving these great of Yogi through my Teacher Shamarpa Rinpoche,
    My Pray Lama Khey La Kheno ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

  20. Chumba Lama

    Lama Khey La Kheno ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
    Man with Great Heart who truly dedicate to His Guru and his path accordingly his Masters word,
    For me he was one of the great Yogi who flows his path of Drama accordingly ,

    Sadly whenever he was sick admitted in safderjung hospital in Delhi I hardly seen peopleโ€™s from Lama Side ,
    I think in future we need More Yogi like Tashi Namgyal,
    Instead of fighting each and other .
    Yogi Tashi Namgyal last word to me in Delhi was ,,,, Son whenever I am sick you are always their in Hospital , thatโ€™s was the Karma Between You & Me .
    Even many Dr in hospital are very surprised with Yogi Tashi Namgyal, dr they call him Lama without pain
    I believe i am truly lucky being with Yogi in Hospital, Through the blessing of My Guru Shamarpa Rimpoche

  21. Pascale C

    I rejoice that such a kind and openminded being took care about the young Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

  22. Michael Gardiner

    Thank you Rinpoche. I feel blessed to have such non-sectarian teachings from you and the Khyentse mandala. Thanks to Tashi Namgyal for providing, opportunities for such a Rime and beyond upbringing.

  23. Kiruna

    Tibetan buddhism has been to a certain extent glorified by Western media and how it is portrayed. It is refreshing to get a more realistic perspective. Perhaps this will keep away all the entheogen toting riff-raff seeking nirvana elsewhere instead of trying to figure out how to get their own society working in a manner they want. Misplaced “do-goodism” is just running away from ones problems instead of addressing them. Please take a minute to consider how Rime fits in with mono-theistic religions or non-theistic people as well since the majority on the globe follow different flavors of monotheism (or in certain parts of the world non-theism). Not just as a scholarly project, but given your international outreach, also to address why people look to faith to fill a vacuum in their existence. These questions need to be addressed by people who also use religion as a money making business.

  24. S. l. T.

    Manjushri –
    call out your name
    in dream calling you Manjushri
    calling three times

    this dream inside the dream
    so not you

  25. vivi

    Dear and Precious Rinpoche la.

    Each of your words and memories have the blessings of all the Schools of Tibetan Buddhism and the Lineage Masters.

    We are so fortunate to have you.

    ยจLet us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our heart blossomยจ M.P.

  26. Karma CW

    When someone refuses Chatrul Rinpoche, that someone is truly a “someone” as proven by his legacy through you la Rinpoche _/\_

    • DW

      When things are not clearcut, it seems some resort to psychology. How do you prove something that you can not grasp or quantify. What is but death, besides the inactivity of factories within oneselves to conjure the living? When we chose not to take care of what is given to us in good faith to protect, therein lies of the seed of discontent and all that follows.

  27. AO

    Dear Rinpoche,
    Thank you for another wonderful chapter. Please correct me if I am wrong but I think that in English sources Chatrul Rinpoche’s name is more commonly spelled as Chatral Rinpoche, which is closer to Wylie.

  28. Wei Wei

    The pristine river
    From the rocky mountain highs
    Flatten the damn curve

  29. Ivy

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful episode. Rinpoche says Tashi Namgyal is not a scholar, but he made many wise decisions. So on what basis do people make right choices besides knowledge? Kindness, loyalty… and merits?

  30. Pema Chodon


  31. Dee

    So important is the role of the one showing the path. May all us have enough merit to meet someone like Late Tashi Namgyal who will urge us towards the all illuminating path and enough merit to grasp the meaning of all precious teachings.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  32. Jesรบs Arรฉvalo

    Rinpoche, gracias por mostrarnos la kmportancia de una visiรณn amplia, personalmente he caรญdo en esa estrecha apreciaciรณn sobre escuelas y el Theravada en particular.
    Espero algรบn dรญa eliminar por completk los errรณneos puntos de vista y asรญ profundizar realmente en el Dharma, ser verdaderamente un practicante de Dharma y no un entusiasta Dharmico jajajajajaja.
    Con una profunda reverencia me postro ante usted con mi cuerpo, palabra y mente, pueda usted guuarme al despertar insuperable.

  33. Amanush Azad

    The caption under the picture of Tai Situ and HH Karmapa has a typo mistake.
    Insteae of “one” it says “on”. I hope it will be edited before these episodes becomes a book

  34. Kunga Paljyor

    who had married the Mother of Sogyal Rinpoche? Tsewang Paljyor or Tashi Namgyal?

    • Kunga Paljyor

      sorry, had not yet read the previous chapter.

      so no need to actually post this comment.

      thank you very much

  35. andrea beardsley

    dear Rinpoche thank you for sharing this next chapter in your autobiography! with all you are accomplishing right now in Bir, you make time to think of us and honor this man who helped mold you into who you are today. So precious, So generous, so much wisdom.
    bowing in gratitude to you for
    All you are giving. please may wemeet again this lifetime.with
    love and gratitude.

  36. Iza

    Thank you Rinpochela, very hearttouching. I’m very grateful that you are sharing this beautiful story with us.


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